preceded by the Coronation Luncheon for 2015 Queen Oceania and her court July 27 and the Wildwoods Baby Waddle Contest Tuesday morning, July 28. During the luncheon, last year’s Queen Oceania, Ms. Tara McBride, will crown one of these young ladies as the “It’s just automatic, nothing to contest. That little rich kid’s going to need a as was the situation when Gang was killed on May 2. If the baby is proven to be his offspring, the court would appoint a guardian to hold the money in trust. Speaking about her pregnancy, Ms Tin said: "The baby should come fairly soon and if the election it'll be an interesting contest to watch." New electoral boundaries were announced yesterday. While there is no fixed date for the election to be called They must be turned in on or before Aug. 3 for a valid entry into the Pigtail Contest. Anyone with questions should contact Katie Kruse at 419-563-9100. The Pretty baby contest will also be held on Thursday, the opening day of the festival. The Pretty Baby New year, new plans, new Gerber baby! After going through over 180,000 entries, Gerber has announced the winner of its 2014 "Be Our Baby" photo contest: 7-month-old Grace. A Pennsylvania native, Grace will be Gerber's official 2015 "spokesbaby." In Wow! It was another big year with more than 150 entries in our annual Cutest baby contest! I wish we had something for everybody because every single baby was absolutely adorable! A big thank you to our sponsors Midwifery at Women's Health Alliance, which .
MATTOON -- Rain has interfered with a lot of activities this summer throughout the area, but it will not stop the 2015 Bagelfest Beautiful baby contest as it will be held inside. The event is set for 6:30 p.m. at the Cross County Mall on today and Wednesday. A baby owl with an attitude had an adorable brush with the law in Colorado, winning a staring contest with a police officer. Boulder County sheriff's deputy Sophie Berman came across the owl on a dirt road last week while patrolling an area near a campground. The El Dorado Springs Picnic will have a baby contest on Saturday, July 18, beginning at 10 a.m. located at the Sunderwirth Bandstand. Registration will open at 9 a.m. and will close before the contest begins at 10 a.m. Age groups: 0-3 months, 4-7 months It's that time of year again! The Crescent-News is now accepting submissions for its annual Cutest Baby Contest. The contest is open to children who are 4 years of age or younger. Readers have until Jan. 31 to submit a favorite photo of their child or .
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- baby contest of The Forked River Gazette's 1st Cutest Baby Contest of Ocean County 250 x 250 · 12 kB · jpeg
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